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Theyre realizing the same thing that we are realizing, that if they dont start moving some of these things forward and ticking the right boxes, then these projects just wont happen this year, said Pollet...

Trade schools have small class sizes, approximately 5-30 students. Small class sizes give you more one-on-one time with the instructor, making it easier to ask questions and receive answers. There are online programs, plus evening and weekend classes, and you'll come out of trade school with practical, hands-on experience in your chosen profession. Vocational school education gets you into many well-paying careers. In 2019, for example, dental assistants in had an average annual pay of $41, 170 (). Electricians averaged an annual pay of $60, 370, and HVAC technicians made an average annual pay of $51, 420 (). There are dozens of industries with hundreds of career roles to chose from; these are just the tip of the iceberg. Additionally, the trades have many open positions, and since trades deal with essential life elements, they typically come with job stability. Skilled trades such as plumbing, electric, and welding are experiencing shortages of qualified people, creating vacant spots in need of being filled.

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Aldgate was an area of London known to be the residence of numerous Dutch merchants, as well as many religious dissenters. From 1374 - 1386 AD, Aldgate had also been the home to famed poet Geoffrey Chaucer, the "the Father of English literature", and author of numerous works, including The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer himself, whose audience spanned from men to women of the royal court, to commoners, is also credited by some to have shifted the dominant language at Hogwarts from French and Latin, previously exclusive to the high-born and educated, to the common English tongue. This move, of course, was one opposed by traditionalists and blood purists, who viewed such a move as "opening up Hogwarts to the dangers of Muggle-born influence". Three Anglican churches are located in Aldgate: St. Botolph's; St. Katharine Cree; and St. Andrew Undershaft. Undershaft previously hosted a congregation of local witches and wizards. The last church's curious name derives from the shaft of the maypole, which was traditionally set up each year opposite the church.

Bradford was taken to the "common house" (the only finished house built then) and it was feared he would not last the night. Bradford, rather miraculously, recovered, but many of the settlers were not so fortunate. During the months of February and March 1621, sometimes 2 or 3 people died a day. By the end of the winter, the Pilgrims lost more than half of their people due to sickness and starvation. Historians believe that some of those who survived may have been witches and wizards, given the immunity of magical folk to Muggle diseases. However, others cite one of Gamp's Laws of Elemental Transfiguration, or "food cannot be outright created from nothing", indicating that some magical folk may have starved as well. However, food can be summoned if one knows the approximate location, which became an issue when the local Natives accused Plymouth settlers of "stealing their corn". During the epidemic, there were only a small number of men who remained healthy, and bore the responsibility of caring for the sick.


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