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Theyre realizing the same thing that we are realizing, that if they dont start moving some of these things forward and ticking the right boxes, then these projects just wont happen this year, said Pollet...

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This smaller space provides a venue for new and adventurous theatre, educational and youth performances. History [ edit] The Octagon Theatre was opened on 27 November 1967 by The Princess Margaret. Despite the town council and the theatre management having been officially advised that there would be no requirement for any type of 'comfort facility' for the Royal party, they went ahead anyway and installed a lavish loo with gold plated fittings. Having only ever been used officially by the plumbers who needed to test it, following the official opening it was completely stripped out and turned into an office space. The first theatre production was Annie and Fanny by local playwright Bill Naughton. The building was designed by Geoffrey H. Brooks, Bolton's Director of Architecture, and was constructed for the sum of £95, 000 using money raised by public donation. It was the first professional theatre to be built in North West England following World War II. The building is hexagon in shape but was named The Octagon Theatre to avoid confusion with an existing Hexagon Theatre.

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Next, I filled my fuel tank and bought a liter bottle of soda before heading out of town. I made it just outside the small coastal town, feeling lucky that there was a truck stop nearby. I slept in the parking lot after a bit of adjusting my gear. When I woke up, I used the pay shower and bathroom before heading into the restaurant. I ate a quick breakfast and grabbed a large coffee to go, eager to get my wheels back on the black top. I made good time despite having to stop completely a few times for road construction and a small accident, clearing the larger coastal towns that day. I was only stopping for gas, having visited Newport and the other smaller towns along the central Oregon coast quite often. I slept just outside of Florence that night, pulling into a Rest Area. As I walked into the bathroom, I saw a man begging for money, and reached into my pocket, grabbing a few loose one dollar bills that had accumulated there, placing them in the man's hand as I walked by. He mumbled his thanks and I smiled and nodded before continuing on my way.

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